Thursday, May 13, 2010



Janet M Kincaid said...

Niiiiiiice. If I didn't know the cows were fake, I'd swear they were real.

Tash said...

Hmmm. You'd think they'd have enough of the real moos. Great photos, like the angles.

AB said...

I thought the cows were purple in Switzerland like in the chocolate adverts

Maya said...

Janet: I agree!

Tash: Thanks! I would think they have enough real ones too.

AB: I'm not sure I know which ads you are referring to...

AB said...

Maya: "I'm not sure I know which ads you are referring to"

In Germany, the Milka adeverts usually feature a purple cow in the Alps (YouTube - Milkas lila Kuh, YouTube - Milka Werbung)