Friday, April 10, 2009

Two Things Challenge: Orange/Bug

This flower I took in Seattle certainly qualifies for the "orange" part of the challenge and it looks like a bug may have been chewing a bit on one of the petals too.


movielady said...

It definitely catches the "two things" part of the challenge."
What kind of flowers are those? Their colors seem almost artificial.
I just watched "Little Shop of Horrors" again and flowers are all starting to look like they are saying "FEED ME."

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Orange flowers with bug chews on it......great! I love the color of these flowers.

Maya said...

movielady: I have no idea. Most of the plants in Seattle are foreign to me since I grew up in Flagstaff with completely different vegetation! I do still love looking at and photographing them though. If anyone knows what these are, please do tell!

Vivian: Thanks!