Thursday, December 11, 2008

Leopards on the Move

Apparently they didn't like being under the tree.

This tiger, however, seems to have taken up residence under this tree!


Janet Kincaid said...

More zoo animals? Can you imagine being on the committee that decided this year's holiday theme would be zoo animals? I can just hear the conversations... Hm. Maybe I've been working in D.C. too long...

Maya said...

The event planner likes animals so we usually have some kind of animal theme at all of our events.

Anonymous said...

See, I told you...
Cheetahs are plains animals. No wonder they don't like the tree!

Tigers (as would also leopards...if there were any) are jungle creatures so trees are friends!


Maya said...

dy: That must be why they left the tree! Thanks for clearing that up...