Monday, June 29, 2009

Freedom of Expression

This is a special post to let everyone know what is happening to the blogging community in Iran. The City Daily Photo (CDP) Bloggers have a fellow blogger, "A", who blogs about the city of Tehran. He has been missing for a few days now (they think he's been arrested) and his site has been taken down. Today the CDP bloggers have a special tribute to him and other bloggers who are having their freedom of speech/photography taken away from them. Please take a moment to look at their photos and think about how sad it is that those people are not allowed to express themselves. We are thinking about you, "A", and hope you are OK.


Rob said...

Sometimes I feel we take our freedoms here too much for granted. Excellent post.

Janet Kincaid said...

I haven't had internet at home for a week and haven't been able to follow this story. Thanks for the link here; I'll check it out. Here's hoping A and his compatriots are released and able to continue contributing to the world's photo blogging community, not to mention participate in democracy and freedom.

Maya said...

Dusty: I agree. I think it takes something like this to show us how lucky we are!

Janet: Amir is free again. I hope his compatriots are as well...

Cele said...

Well I am late to the dance, but I am glad he is free.