We went to some of my relatives house in Prangins (near Nyon) for Christmas dinner (or lunch to some). I think a good time was had by all and we enjoyed some very good food!

I'm coming to get you!

This Argentinian beef was some of the best I've ever had! It melted in your mouth. I'm not sure if it was the beef or the way it was cooked. Probably both!

J helps assemble a complicated toy.

My first time eating a Yule Log.

Naturally, there was good wine too!
Ooo, nice!!! That dinner looks excellent.
Looks wonderful! I particularly like the last image of the wine glasses. Nice angle. And of course the little scampi pleading with you to be gentle -:)
mmm, scampi! Pretty tablescape, must have been fun to photoshoot it. I see J is an expert on children's toy construction; I didn't notice the assembly directions.
I can see that you have celebrated Christmas in a very decent way!!
All the best for 2010!
That beef was AMAZING. My mouth waters just thinking about it. And thanks for not posting the picture of my butt hanging in the air while I was helping Letitia with her Christmas construction project.
Beautiful table, everything looks yummy. Except for that thing that is looking back at us. Actually, that's my favorite photo. ;)
Beautiful photo essay, Maya.
Cheryl: It was!
Chuck: The wine and decorations on the table caught my eye for sure!
Rob: She works sans instructions!
Peter: Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!
Linda and Janet: YUM indeed!
Debi: Thanks. I think that picture is my favorite too!
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