Monday, August 4, 2008

Photo Friday Challenge: Beauty

We went for a hike in the forest that was burned in the Okanagan fire several years ago. It was amazing to see all the burnt trees, especially as a backdrop to the fireweed that was growing everywhere!


Rob said...

Cool shots of the fire weed, and especially yhe burnt wood.

Sorry I missed these days, I didn't realiaze you would be posting.

Then again there is that scheduled posting deal, .duh, WWhat was I thinking?

Maya said...

Thanks! I especially like these two as well.

Actually, I didn't post the whole time I was gone, but still took photos every day. Now I'm trying to play catch-up with my posts. I'll still have photos for every day (you'll see this if you look at the post date), but it's taken me awhile to go through all the shots (I took a TON).