Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Soaking up the Sunshine

This is a mannequin outside of Utilikilts in it's new Pioneer Square location. These are sturdy kilts made with many pockets and loops meant mainly for men who work outside doing things like construction. I've seen quite a few of them around the city.

I had both today. This is the sign in the new location for Cocoa Banana. They have a great salad bar and smoothies or juices making it one of my regular haunts during the day.


Janet Kincaid said...

I think I read an article recently about a U.S. postal employee in Seattle who has petitioned the postal service to add these kilts to the list of acceptable attire for men. So far, it's been a no go. Too bad, really, 'cause guys look good in these!

Maya said...

I think that would be great!

Tash said...

I just remembered that I saw a man wearing a kilt - and it was in Seattle! They must be catching on. I was going to snap a picture but we drove by too quickly.

Maya said...

tash: They are pretty common up here!