Friday, June 20, 2008


This group of tourists is on the Underground Tour which takes place in Pioneer Square. This tour is quite fun and I recommend it when you visit Seattle. Also, if you want to spice it up a bit, try the Underworld Tour. When you are a local, however, it can be a challenge maneuvering around the crowds!

Imagine my surprise to see this under the counter at Cafe Paloma! See the strip of film for size reference.


Rob said...

Yes, count me as one amungst the rabble of non-local tourists. And I do feel concious of being in large tour groups ike this, as if being herded like cattle. Thank you for the suggestions. Must plan a trip there. Here in my town, we do not see hoards of tourists. This is fly-over land.

interesting film reel, wonder why it is there.

Maya said...

I've been known to go on a tour or two myself, both here and in other cities. Sometimes it's the best way to get a good overview of the "touristy" stuff all at once!

The only time I've been in your area was in the airport, so you have a point there. Maybe someday I'll stop! :-)