Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A good crepe makes the world a better place!

We finally found a good place near Geneva (Ferney-Voltaire in France) for crepes: Ti Breizh. This was some sort of ham and cheese crepe that Janet ate.

My crepe with scallops and leek. YUM!

A local patron. She didn't look like she ate too many crepes!

The proprietors. They are lovely people. I wish I had a better shot of them.

We had our cider in these cups.

Of course we had to have dessert crepes! This one is banana and nutella.

Peach and vanilla ice-cream.


Tash said...

I am getting sooooooo hungry looking at these. Most excellent people shots in this one.

Virginia said...

OMG! I'm booking a flight and it ain't no BUDDY PASS!
I want the scallop one and of course the dessert one. WHY OH WHY did I pass up a trip with you two? I'm insane.

Maya said...

Tash: Thanks!

Virginia: I'm sure you are kicking yourself... these crepes are great!

Chuck Pefley said...

Well, V should have passed the invitation along! I would have been there on the next flight to have crepes like these!

Silly girl, Virginia -:)

Cele said...

Those are so totally different than I expected. We Yanks always have to change things. They look yummy.

Maya said...

Chuck: I agree!

Cele: They are fantastic. If you want crepes similar to these in yankee land, try Ti Couz in San Francisco!

Rob said...

We had some wonderful crepes and terrible crepes in Paris. My personal favorite was Nutella. But scallops and leeks, holy crap! That must have been divine!

Maya said...

Dusty: We actually didn't even have crepes in Paris! This one was excellent though (actually both were). I think you would have liked the cider too.

Nanou said...

Félicitations pour vos photos !
Aimez-vous le caramel ? Si oui, je vous conseille une crêpe "caramel au beurre salé". C'est délicieux !
Les propriétaires devineront peut-être de qui vient ce conseil !!!Hahaha !

Maya said...

Nanou: Thank you! You must be a friend of the owners... :-)

Nanou said...

Je suis la maman de "la petite Bretonne" de la crêperie "Ti Breiz" !!
Vos photos nous font voyager. Merci.

Maya said...

Nanou: Your welcome! I'm glad you are enjoying my photos and my travels! :-)